

Fiberglass Tubing Suppliers Pultruded Matlafatsoa Pipe

tlhaloso e khuts'oane:

Li-tubes tse chitja tsa fiberglasske meaho ea cylindrical e entsoeng ka fiberglass, thepa e kopaneng e tsejoang ka matla le ho tšoarella ha eona.Li-tubes tsenali sebelisoa hangata liindastering tse fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa sebaka sa sefofane, sa metsing, sa kaho, le tse ling. Li fumaneha ka litekanyo tse fapaneng, botenya ba marako, le bolelele ho lumellana le litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa morero.Li-tubes tsa fiberglassli bobebe, ha li na conductive, 'me li hanyetsa ho bola, li etsa hore li tšoanelehe bakeng sa lisebelisoa moo lisebelisoa tsa setso tse kang tšepe kapa lehong li ka 'nang tsa se ke tsa e-ba ntle.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

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Maikutlo (2)

Sohle seo re se etsang hangata se amahanngoa le tenet ea rona " Moreki ho qala ka, Tumelo ea ho qala ka, ho fana ka liphutheloana tsa lijo le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho bakeng sa2400tex Fiberglass Direct Roving, Lesela la Para Aramid, Fiberglass Mat 300g, Ke feela bakeng sa ho fihlela sehlahisoa sa boleng bo botle ho fihlela tlhoko ea bareki, lihlahisoa tsohle tsa rona li hlahlobiloe ka thata pele li romelloa.
Fiberglass Tubing Suppliers Detailed Reinforced Reinforced Pipe Details:

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

Li-tubes tse chitja tsa fiberglassli na le likarolo tse ngata, tse tšoarellang, le tse bobebe tse loketseng mefuta e mengata ea lits'ebetso ho pholletsa le liindasteri tse fapaneng. Lintho tsa bona tse ikhethang li etsa hore e be khetho e khethiloeng bakeng sa merero eo lisebelisoa tsa setso li ka 'nang tsa se ke tsa fana ka boemo bo tšoanang ba ts'ebetso le ho tšepahala.


Likarolo tsali-tubes tse chitja tsa fiberglasskenyeletsa:

E bobebe:Li-tubes tse chitja tsa fiberglasske 25% ea boima ba tšepe le 70% ea boima ba aluminium, e leng se etsang hore ho be bonolo ho sebetsana le ho tsamaisa.

Matla a Phahameng le Boiketlo bo Botle:Li-tubes tsena li fana ka matla a phahameng le botsitso bo botle, li etsa hore li tšoarelle nako e telele.

Mebala le Boholo bo Fapaneng:Li-tubes tse chitja tsa fiberglasse tla ka mebala le boholo bo fapaneng, e fana ka ho feto-fetoha ha moralo le ts'ebeliso.

Anti-botsofali, Anti-Corrosion, le Non-Conductive:Li hanyetsana le botsofali, le ho bola, 'me ha li na conductive, li etsa hore li tšoanelehe bakeng sa mefuta e mengata ea likopo.

Thepa e Ntle ea Mechini:Li-tubes tsena li na le thepa e ntle ea mochini, e li etsang hore li tšoanelehe bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa meralo le meroalo.

Ho bonolo ho Seha le Sepolishe:Li-tubes tse chitja tsa fiberglass li bonolo ho li seha le ho li bentša, li lumella ho itlhophisa le ho fetoloa ho lumellana le litlhoko tse itseng.

Likarolo tsena li etsali-tubes tse chitja tsa fiberglassmokhoa o mong o loketseng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa setso tse kang lehong, tšepe le aluminium, haholo-holo lits'ebetsong moo ho leng bohlokoa, ho tšoarella, le ho hanyetsa maemo a tikoloho.

Mofuta Boholo(mm)
Boima ba 'mele
1-RT25 25x3.2 0.42
2-RT32 32x3.2 0.55
3-RT32 32x6.4 0.97
4-RT35 35x4.5 0.82
5-RT35 35x6.4 1.09
6-RT38 38x3.2 0.67
7-RT38 38x4.0 0.81
8-RT38 38x6.4 1.21
9-RT42 42x5.0 1.11
10-RT42 42x6.0 1.29
11-RT48 48x5.0 1.28
12-RT50 50x3.5 0.88
13-RT50 50x4.0 1.10
14-RT50 50x6.4 1.67
15-RT51 50.8x4 1.12
16-RT51 50.8x6.4 1.70
17-RT76 76x6.4 2.64
18-RT80 89x3.2 1.55
19-RT89 89x3.2 1.54
20-RT89 89x5.0 2.51
21-RT89 89x6.4 3.13
22-RT99 99x5.0 2.81
23-RT99 99x6.4 3.31
24-RT110 110x3.2 1.92
25-RT114 114x3.2 2.21
26-RT114 114x5.0 3.25

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Fiberglass Tubing Suppliers Pultruded Reinforced Pipe details details

Fiberglass Tubing Suppliers Pultruded Reinforced Pipe details details

Fiberglass Tubing Suppliers Pultruded Reinforced Pipe details details

Fiberglass Tubing Suppliers Pultruded Reinforced Pipe details details

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Ho tsoela pele ho eketsa ts'ebetso ea tsamaiso ka lebaka la molao oa "ka botšepehi, tumelo e ntle le e babatsehang ke motheo oa nts'etsopele ea k'hamphani", re atisa ho amohela bohlokoa ba thepa e hokahantsoeng linaheng tse ling, 'me re tsoela pele ho haha ​​​​litharollo tse ncha ho phethahatsa litlhoko tsa bareki ba Fiberglass. Tubing Suppliers Pultruded Reinforced Pipe , Sehlahisoa se tla fepela lefats'e ka bophara, joalo ka: moldova, Lesotho, Costa Rica, Re rekisa haholo ka kakaretso, ka mekhoa e tsebahalang le e bonolo ea ho lefa, e lefang ka Money Gram, Western Union, Transfer ea Banka le Paypal. Bakeng sa lipuisano tse ling, ikutloe u lokolohile ho ikopanya le barekisi ba rona, ba hlileng ba leng molemo le ba tsebang ka lihlahisoa tsa rona.
  • Ho fana ka boleng bo botle le kapele, ho monate haholo. Lihlahisoa tse ling li na le bothata bo fokolang, empa mofani oa thepa o nkile sebaka ka nako, ka kakaretso, re khotsofetse. Linaleli tse 5 Ka Catherine oa Latvia - 2017.06.25 12:48
    Ke tšepa hore k'hamphani e ka khomarela moea oa khoebo oa "Boleng, Bokhabane, Boqapi le Botšepehi", e tla ba betere le ho feta nakong e tlang. Linaleli tse 5 Ka Evangeline ho tloha Benin - 2017.06.16 18:23

    Potso bakeng sa Pricelist

    Bakeng sa lipotso mabapi le lihlahisoa tsa rona kapa lethathamo la litheko, ka kopo re siele lengolo-tsoibila la hau mme re tla ikopanya le rona nakong ea lihora tse 24.